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Griffith College

WeChat Account Management, Digital Marketing, Content Writing

We help manage the WeChat Account for Griffith College with creative marketing contents and consistent engagement with young users to build client's brand awareness within the Chinese market.

Griffith College is a higher education institution that offers diploma courses in various study areas, which mirror the first year of a selection of bachelor degrees at Griffith University. It enables students to finish their first year of the bachelor's degree in a short period then progress to the second year at Griffith University.

MediaMo helped to manage Griffith College's WeChat platform to engage with young WeChat users and increase the College's number of course enrolment.

We have launched the marketing campaign which creates informative contents and shares the latest updates of the College.

WeChat allows this information to be shared with users' Chats (Direct Messages) and Moments (Newsfeed) efficiently. As a result, we have improved the client's brand awareness in China and the overall platform engagement.

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